Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Hitting RESTART In The Fitness Area Of Your Life

It happens.  Life gets busy, so busy that we put ME on the backburner.  In my case, my Dad's sickness became a crisis that sent me into a depression, and I was eating everything I could get my hands on.  I started with the BEST of intentions.  I was going to use his cancer diagnosis as a platform to propel me into my fitness routine again.  But just 3 weeks into it, I let my emotions take over, and it has been a struggle for the last 2 months to stay on track.  What changed it for me?  How did I get back on that treadmill of fitness after falling off? 

Realizing I am worth it!  The support of friends in fitness.  I have began to surround myself with others who have a passion for fitness.  One of the best motivators is seeing what fitness is doing for the people around you, and wanting that same euphoria!  YOU create your own life, your own happiness, your own bliss.  So if you feel like you don't have it, CREATE it!  I have made a list of some things that will help you, the list is helping me, once again, to get back on that fitness wagon and stay on!  Don't beat yourself up so badly, just get up, brush yourself off, and get at it again!  It will stick, I promise you!  As a friend and fitness trainer told me recently, "we will always have obstacles, it's how we handle them."  I am currently doing P90X and training to become a runner.  Two things I would have NEVER thought possible for me, a 45 year old woman with asthma!  Don't let anything hold you back from the life you want!  Here's my list, I hope it helps you like it is helping me! 

1.  Commit to a program for 30 days-It takes 30 days to form a habit.  Don't stop!  I know it's overwhelming to try to do something that's just the opposite of what you are already doing, but that's what a HABIT is!  If you can make the 30 day mark, you've got this!

2.  Make time for exercise-YES, we ALL have excuses for why we don't work to stay fit.  But we work to fit other things into our lives, so why not fitness?  It is after all in our best interest!  Schedule it into a time where nothing else has a chance to push it aside.  For most, that means getting out of bed a little earlier and making the time to exercise.  Years ago when I was working full time, I scheduled Pilates during the lunch hour, and it worked for me, otherwise I might not have been able to get any exercise in. 

3.  Find yourself a workout buddy.  I did this with my run training.  It is absolutely holding me accountable, having someone to encourage me, laugh with and AT me, making it a social thing is making it more FUN!  We are having a great time training for a 5K! 

4.  Don't do too much, too soon.  Start small.  The first few weeks should be all about building up your workouts, if you are going to succeed, don't overdo.  You will find yourself with injuries that cause setbacks! 

5.  Have FUN!  If you don't like doing push ups, don't do 'em!  Find something that you love, there are SO many programs and exercises that you can modify to fit you and then gradually build up your workouts as you get stronger!  I enjoy P90X, because it pushes me past what I ever thought I could do!  It is making me stronger, and changing my body. 

In a world where we have become spoiled to the "I want it now", that's not going to happen in fitness.  It takes time to change your body, but it does change!  And if you can commit to 30 days and stick with it, you will have formed a new habit, a GOOD habit, becoming FIT!



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