"Everything changed the day I understood that if I was to become a runner, I would have to run with the body I had. " - John Bingham, The Courage to Start
This just may be my new Mantra. Isn't that just such a simple statement, yet powerful? In the past 5 years, since becoming a full time stay at home Mom, I have made many changes in my life, trying to become more fit, trying to live healthier, but with my Dad's cancer diagnosis, I realized I haven't done enough. I want to do everything possible to be able to be healthy and take care of my aging parents and be available for my own children and someday, grandchildren.
It's not about "skinny" for me anymore. It's about healthy. While doing online research on my Dad's disease, I ran across the Pancreatica Walks And Runs Foundation. You can sign up for different walks/runs locally and at the same time raise awareness and funds for Pancreatic Cancer Research. Currently, cancer research of the Pancreas is the least funded. That struck me. The cancer that my Dad is battling is the least funded in research...I am only ONE person, but it only takes one person to make a difference!

During the process of finding a walk/run to participate in with the Foundation, I stumbled onto a training program. The "Couch To 5K Program". I had seen this online, but this program is with a group of people who are also wanting to begin running, but don't know where to start. Doing this online, I have been able to get to a certain stage, and then develop shin splints, which then caused me a set back, and I would have to start over. I can do 10,000 steps a day on my treadmill, but I just haven't been able to become a full fledged runner!
This program seems to be just what I am looking for to succeed! You train with a group of people who are on your level, so the intimidation factor isn't there. Well, I hope not...LOL Training is about 8 to 10 weeks, you set yourself a goal race and work towards that. I plan to be a runner by the time September rolls around, and I intend to sign up and run every chance I can to raise awareness and funds for the Pancreatica Foundation.
My first stop in a couple of weeks is getting fitted for the right shoes. (This will give me an excuse to go shopping, LOL) My Dad has just begun his journey to recovery from Pancreatic Cancer. If he can fight this fight, I can muster up the courage to start to become a runner! It may take many walks/runs and months, but I will get there!
Take the negative things that happen in your life and turn them into positives! Make a difference! Inspire!